Friday, September 4, 2015

Foods Having Vitamins For Glowing Skin

Citrus fruits like strawberries, broccoli, tomatoes, sweet potatoes etc. contain vitamin C, which helps skin reduce skin damage. It can help skin to fight against wrinkles and fine lines and helps it stay smooth. Vitamin C can be obtained in the form of supplements, which are available in the market in ready to be used forms. They are also a part of many anti-ageing and beauty products these days. It is recommended that there should be consultation made with the doctor before you intake vitamin C supplements, as they may interact with some other drugs in the body.
Food Sources For Perfect Vitamins
Whole nuts, grains and fresh fish and poultry are fish in minerals called selenium. Selenium is responsible to protect against free radicals which may cause harm to your skin. Selenium can be obtained from these sources in small amounts to give you young and glowing skin.
Although, you can get all vitamins and minerals from the diet you consume each day, but supplements can provide you for the extra elements which your diet may lack. Supplements are not the substitute for the diet you intake. 

Remember, healthy food is the secret behind healthy skin, but at the same time taking the best vitamin for skin is also essential.

Taking Vitamins After Consulting A Doctor
Consult a doctor immediately if you feel any symptoms of allergy or redness and never add any kind of supplement to your diet without the consultation of your health care provider.
        Vitamin A is necessary for skin maintenance and repair. Regular intake has shown a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles, and it also prevents acne and dry skin. Vitamin A is found in eggs, milk, carrots, liver and fortified cereals.
        Biotin, a type of vitamin B, is a nutrient that forms the basis of skin, nail and hair cells. Biotin deficiency results in dermatitis and itchy skin. The body is able to produce a lot of vitamin B on its own. It is found in bananas, eggs, oatmeal and rice.

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