Friday, July 17, 2015

From the beginning until the end, how do the nutritional supplements facilitate the process of Pregnancy?

It is certain to keep a check on the micro and macro nutritional supplements, both before and after pregnancy. There are certain and best health supplements, which stand the best for both the mother and the baby that are discussed below.
The B vitamins
Among the eight B vitamins, vitamin-B9, called Folic Acid, is among the best health supplements for pregnancy. This is because; the vitamin is essential for enhanced fertility and later prevents from birth defects, for example, Spina Bifida. The vitamin is also essential for men because of its ability to improve the sperm count, which is important to raise the chance of pregnancy.

On the other hand, Vitamin-B6 and Vitamin-B12, helps to keep a check on the reproductive health. B6 is important n enhancing fertility in women and B12 helps in managing the sperm count in men.  
It is with the deficiency of vitamin-C that the sperms stick together and lose most of their fertility powers, which is commonly witnessed in the men who smoke. This is a reason why it is advised to quit smoking when trying to conceive. On the other hand, the vitamin becomes one of the amazing nutritionalsupplements for women to improve fertility.
Though the role of vitamin-E is not understood to the fullest, evidences prove that the vitamin helps in enhancing the sperm motility and provides improved strength to the sperms for them to penetrate the egg’s exterior.

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